paolina_3 ® 05-Jul-2020 07:40

Navigation Workbook 18465 Tr. For Power-driven and Sailing Vessels

Year: 2015
Language: english
Author: David Burch, Larry Brandt
Genre: Manual
Publisher: Starpath Publications
ISBN: 978-0-914025-45-0
Format: EPUB
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 180
This manual is a complete, rich and exhaustive collection of exercises, designed to improve navigation skills in both routine and special circumstances. A large amount of practical exercises, along with answers and numerical solutions is provided, on chart reading and plotting, position fixing, dead reckoning, compass work, and the use of special publications such as Chart Catalogs, Tide Tables, Current Tables, Light Lists, Notices to Mariners, Chart No. 1, Navigation Rules, and U.S. Coast Pilots. Divided into specific chapters, each one concerning a specific aspect of navigation, they can be considered as the tutorial part of a navigation course or used individually, and the book, along with a text manual, would make up a self-study course.
The level of these exercises is about that required in the USCG Masters license exam for 100 GT, about the same used in coastal navigation certification exams from the U.S. Sailing Association, American Sailing Association, Royal Yachting Association, and the Canadian Yachting Association.
Some exercises require the NOAA training chart 18465 Tr, "Strait of Juan de Fuca, Eastern Part". This paper chart is frozen in time to about 1998, and is available at chart dealers or online, but is otherwise similar to the standard navigation chart of this region NOAA 18465, provided in the same folder of the book. Except for this paper chart, all other resource materials are provided in the Resources section of the book, which includes excerpts for all publications needed.
Additional info:
- NOAA standard navigation charts are updated weekly, and they are all Print on Demand (POD).
- The number of pages is indicative, and refers to the paper version of the book.
- Caution. In case you want to print the paper for training purposes, make sure that the final print dimensions exactly match the recommended ones. The two lines (vertical and horizontal) in the lower left corner serve as a control, and must be exactly 152 millimeters (6 inches).



Navigation Workbook 18465 Tr

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