RU: По многочисленным просьбам модифицирована система ограничений на трекере. Добавлено новое условие: ограничение по рейтингу. Теперь, при создании раздачи, релизер может добавлять 2 условия на скачивание:
О причине введения лимитов можно прочитать тут Рекомендации для релизеров: Ограничение по репутации: -минимальное 1 -рекомендуемое 5-10 -максимальное 100 Ограничение по рейтингу: -минимальное 1 -рекомендуемое 1-2 -максимальное 10 Ограничение по рейтингу не действует на пользователей с репутацией выше 100 и VIP Рекомендуется комбинировать два параметра с условием ИЛИ Пример: Разрешить скачивание для пользователей c: РЕПУТАЦИЕЙ > 10 или РЕЙТИНГОМ > 1 Рекомендации для пользователей: Очевидно, что для скачивания релизов с ограничениями вам, так или иначе, придется принять участие в развитии трекера. -Если стоит ограничение по репутации, то единственный путь это поднять её. О том как повысить репутацию читайте тут REPUTATION LIMIT -Для обхода ограничения по рейтингу, вам придется активно раздавать торренты. Для этого перейдите на страницу трекера и скачайте несколько раздач (небольшого размера), предварительно отсортировав список по количеству личеров. -Если у раздачи стоит только один лимит (по репутации) то вы вправе попросить в комментариях или в ЛС добавить лимит по рейтингу. Права на изменение лимита для раздач со статусом Проверено есть только у модераторов. Модератор предварительно должен согласовать новые лимиты с автором раздачи. -Если у вас нет желания повышать репутацию создавая раздачи и нет времени раздавать торренты повышая свой рейтинг, то вы можете приобрести ВИП и обойти любые ограничения EN: Due to numerous requests, the Reputation Limit system on tracker has been modified. Added a new condition: ratio limit. Now, when creating a release, the releaser can add 2 conditions for downloading:
You can read about the reason for introducing limits here: (Use Google translator) Recommendations for releasers: Reputation limit: -minimum - 1 -recommended - 5-10 -maximum - 100 Ratio limits: -minimum - 1 -recommended - 1-2 -maximum - 10 Rating limitation does not apply to users with reputation above 100 and VIP We recommend combining the two parameters with the condition OR Example: Download allow with: REPUTATION > 10 OR RATIO > 1 Recommendations for users: Obviously, to download releases with restrictions, you will have to participate in the development of tracker with one way or another. - If there is a limit on reputation, the only way is to raise it. Read more about how to raise your reputation here: REPUTATION LIMIT - To bypass the ratio limit, you will have to actively distribute torrents. To do this go to the tracker page and download a few releases (small size), pre-sorting the list by the number of leachers. - If the release has only one limit (by reputation), then you can ask in the comments or by the PM to add a ratio limit. Rights to change the limit for releases with the status Checked have only moderators. The moderator must first agree on the new limits with the releaser. - If you do not want to improve your reputation by creating releases and do not have time to distribute torrents to increase your ratio, then you can purchase a VIP and bypass any limits
hey im new i have just discover this excellent page and im interested in the seagull course waht can i do to get reputation because i dont download all that i see only some importants thing i would be gratefull if you can help me with that . thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rakokiable, First of all, most releases are free. It means that you can download them up to your day limit. You can increase day limit in several ways. For day limit read this one (top): DOWNLOAD LIMIT For reputation and how to increase it, read this one: REPUTATION LIMIT The best way is to post something new (not already in the site), to help keep the site alive.You find rules ont top of the page RULES.
rakokiable, in fact is is simple to earn reputation , by uloaoding maritime stuff that is not here yer to the form and in tat way getting reputation, and also keeping there fimes online and seed them with others als the files you load from the site. most of the newer post you see that the limit has two option ore you have to have a reputation above a serten points , ore you have to have a seed reation biger then 1 , that means that for every 1 mb to stake from the site you give back by seeding at least 1 mb ore more how to upload files to this site you can read here also in the information section, and also the rules how to do it.
Подскажите почему у меня нет возможности скачивать торренты без ограничений с VIP подпиской? Зачем она вообще нужна тогда, если также приходится долго ждать и качать по одному файлу в день?
transtol, that is because we have not to many seeder that nothing the do with the forum or you vip status wenn a file get posted everybody takes nit fast and then remove it from there torrent client so wenn times go by the file is less and less avilibel here and the one those have it are also most of the time seeding a lot of other files so a que will be there and then you have to wait in line till you are in front of the line , do you log of in that time the next time you start all over so what is forum need is more posters to keep it alive and get new material , and more seeders that kept the files online so the can share them with other. and bennifit for the seeder most of the new post alow them also to get reputation post because of the ratio limit wenn it above 1. so in that way we also thank those seeders
skipper3362, Очень интересно, но ничего не понятно. Понятно только то, что смысла в VIP нет вообще никакого, зачем ее покупать??!! Еще речь про закрытую группу идет, когда оплачиваешь подписку, где эта закрытая группа вообще?
transtol, this is not a closed group at all this site has not commerical intrest we do not urn money from it it is run by vilenteers peolpe like you, how share, with a vip status you can get acces to al post but the file are shared with everybody so wenn the do not keep then on there pc ore torrent client the are not avalibel for other anymore and that is a choice other make we as site we can not do a think about it. there are a lot of poster that put a lot of time and money in here to buy books and scan them and put them up. or put a lot of time there one time here to look for post to bring them here, we do not get payed for that what you pay for is help in the cost for the central server where the website is stored up, because that is also payed for by the admin from his one money the reputation is created because wenn everybody comes here and only take and npbody give anythink back then it is in the long term not going good with this site, so putting post behind a reputation limit if you like it ore not. is to try to get other s also go posting to get a reputation so you can load more file from it, and again this is not don to make a profit from it i as poster get nothing from it. and you choce not to go post but buy a vip status that also you good right. but sugesting what you do now , is bases on nothing yes older post with less seeder wil take some time to get. because it is on the computer from normal people not a central server we have, so it is up to the waiting line with those people and how fast ther connectio is, how fast you can get the file it not so you come in and because you heve a vip status everybody has to drop down where the are busy with and help you frist,, you have to wait simple till it is you turn. and yes we have here some rare material what you find nowhere els on the net so be gradfull for that and do not stat complaning because it not go to fast engough for you you just came here some of use are busy here almost 10 year to get the site where it is now, so you can use ut, so a little more respect for the site and the poster and the seeders is on his place we are all volentier how does this, so we not get payed for it , ir cost us also time and money to get thinks here so be paciance wenn a post not direcly start. and yes we could use more seeder but we can not force them, same is for new posters that have rare material
transtol, скорость скачивания зависит от количества раздающих и загруженности сидбокса. Если не удается скачать определенный файл, пишите в ЛС, раздам индивидуально
zxc, Речь не про скорость скачивания и скачивание непосредственно самого файла, мне банально не дают скачать файлик для торрент-клиента (не знаю как он правильно называется). Нажимаешь на кнопку "Скачать", чтобы этот файлик загрузить - загружается пустая страница, но файлик для торрент-клиента не скачивается, приходится ждать целый день, потом только дает скачать, все как в бесплатном аккаунте. Обьясните почему не дают скачать этот файлик? И еще вопрос про "закрытую группу", что там и почему меня в ней нет, хотя доступ оплачен. Спасибо!
transtol, пустых страниц быть не должно, попробуйте использоватьс другой браузер или очистите кэш. Напишите мне в ЛС, решим эту проблему. Вы состоите в закрытой группе VIP и вам открылся доступ к этому разделу
You cannot post new topics in this forum You can reply to topics in this forum You cannot edit your posts in this forum You cannot delete your posts in this forum You cannot vote in polls in this forum You cannot attach files in this forum You cannot download files in this forum
По многочисленным просьбам модифицирована система ограничений на трекере. Добавлено новое условие: ограничение по рейтингу. Теперь, при создании раздачи, релизер может добавлять 2 условия на скачивание:
Рекомендации для релизеров:
Ограничение по репутации:
-минимальное 1
-рекомендуемое 5-10
-максимальное 100
Ограничение по рейтингу:
-минимальное 1
-рекомендуемое 1-2
-максимальное 10
Ограничение по рейтингу не действует на пользователей с репутацией выше 100 и VIP
Рекомендуется комбинировать два параметра с условием ИЛИ
Пример: Разрешить скачивание для пользователей c: РЕПУТАЦИЕЙ > 10 или РЕЙТИНГОМ > 1
Рекомендации для пользователей:
Очевидно, что для скачивания релизов с ограничениями вам, так или иначе, придется принять участие в развитии трекера.
-Если стоит ограничение по репутации, то единственный путь это поднять её. О том как повысить репутацию читайте тут REPUTATION LIMIT
-Для обхода ограничения по рейтингу, вам придется активно раздавать торренты. Для этого перейдите на страницу трекера и скачайте несколько раздач (небольшого размера), предварительно отсортировав список по количеству личеров.
-Если у раздачи стоит только один лимит (по репутации) то вы вправе попросить в комментариях или в ЛС добавить лимит по рейтингу. Права на изменение лимита для раздач со статусом Проверено есть только у модераторов. Модератор предварительно должен согласовать новые лимиты с автором раздачи.
-Если у вас нет желания повышать репутацию создавая раздачи и нет времени раздавать торренты повышая свой рейтинг, то вы можете приобрести ВИП и обойти любые ограничения
Due to numerous requests, the Reputation Limit system on tracker has been modified. Added a new condition: ratio limit. Now, when creating a release, the releaser can add 2 conditions for downloading:
Recommendations for releasers:
Reputation limit:
-minimum - 1
-recommended - 5-10
-maximum - 100
Ratio limits:
-minimum - 1
-recommended - 1-2
-maximum - 10
Rating limitation does not apply to users with reputation above 100 and VIP
We recommend combining the two parameters with the condition OR
Example: Download allow with: REPUTATION > 10 OR RATIO > 1
Recommendations for users:
Obviously, to download releases with restrictions, you will have to participate in the development of tracker with one way or another.
- If there is a limit on reputation, the only way is to raise it. Read more about how to raise your reputation here: REPUTATION LIMIT
- To bypass the ratio limit, you will have to actively distribute torrents. To do this go to the tracker page and download a few releases (small size), pre-sorting the list by the number of leachers.
- If the release has only one limit (by reputation), then you can ask in the comments or by the PM to add a ratio limit. Rights to change the limit for releases with the status Checked have only moderators. The moderator must first agree on the new limits with the releaser.
- If you do not want to improve your reputation by creating releases and do not have time to distribute torrents to increase your ratio, then you can purchase a VIP and bypass any limits
You can increase day limit in several ways. For day limit read this one (top): DOWNLOAD LIMIT
For reputation and how to increase it, read this one: REPUTATION LIMIT
The best way is to post something new (not already in the site), to help keep the site alive.You find rules ont top of the page RULES.
most of the newer post you see that the limit has two option ore you have to have a reputation above a serten points , ore you have to have a seed reation biger then 1 , that means that for every 1 mb to stake from the site you give back by seeding at least 1 mb ore more
how to upload files to this site you can read here also in the information section, and also the rules how to do it.
wenn a file get posted everybody takes nit fast and then remove it from there torrent client so wenn times go by the file is less and less avilibel here and the one those have it are also most of the time seeding a lot of other files so a que will be there and then you have to wait in line till you are in front of the line , do you log of in that time the next time you start all over
so what is forum need is more posters to keep it alive and get new material , and more seeders that kept the files online so the can share them with other. and bennifit for the seeder most of the new post alow them also to get reputation post because of the ratio limit wenn it above 1.
so in that way we also thank those seeders
this site has not commerical intrest
we do not urn money from it
it is run by vilenteers peolpe like you, how share, with a vip status you can get acces to al post but the file are shared with everybody so wenn the do not keep then on there pc ore torrent client the are not avalibel for other anymore and that is a choice other make we as site we can not do a think about it.
there are a lot of poster that put a lot of time and money in here to buy books and scan them and put them up.
or put a lot of time there one time here to look for post to bring them here, we do not get payed for that
what you pay for is help in the cost for the central server where the website is stored up, because that is also payed for by the admin from his one money
the reputation is created because wenn everybody comes here and only take and npbody give anythink back then it is in the long term not going good with this site,
so putting post behind a reputation limit if you like it ore not.
is to try to get other s also go posting to get a reputation so you can load more file from it, and again this is not don to make a profit from it i as poster get nothing from it.
and you choce not to go post but buy a vip status that also you good right.
but sugesting what you do now , is bases on nothing
yes older post with less seeder wil take some time to get. because it is on the computer from normal people not a central server we have, so it is up to the waiting line with those people and how fast ther connectio is, how fast you can get the file
it not so you come in and because you heve a vip status everybody has to drop down where the are busy with and help you frist,, you have to wait simple till it is you turn.
and yes we have here some rare material what you find nowhere els on the net
so be gradfull for that and do not stat complaning because it not go to fast engough for you you just came here some of use are busy here almost 10 year to get the site where it is now, so you can use ut, so a little more respect for the site and the poster and the seeders is on his place
we are all volentier how does this, so we not get payed for it , ir cost us also time and money to get thinks here
so be paciance wenn a post not direcly start.
and yes we could use more seeder but we can not force them, same is for new posters that have rare material