Vitbar192 ® 23-Aug-2020 07:28

Principles of Modern Radar Vol.3 - Radar Applications

Year: 2014
Language: english
Author: Melvin W., Scheer J.
Genre: Textbook
Publisher: SciTech Publishing
ISBN: 1891121545
Format: PDF
Quality: Scanned pages
Pages count: 821
Description: This third volume in the Principles of Modern Radar set is a professional reference of the most important applications in current practice and includes a foundation of research before tackling in-depth, single-topic advanced books and literature. The book has concise descriptions of the purposes, principal issues, and methods found in a wide variety of current radar types with military, commercial and civilian uses. This book has been community reviewed by experts from around the world.
It provides concise descriptions of the purposes, principal issues and radar methods found in a wide variety of current radar types, including: low-power continuous wave (CW) radar, weather radar and military applications. Each chapter is authored by experts in the field who are active in research and teaching radar practitioners in professional courses.
This edition will serve as a self-contained reference for those aiming to become experts in an advanced technology or application area. Primarily aimed at radar practitioners within military or government and will also be useful for some advanced graduate students.



Melvin W., Scheer J. Principles of Modern Radar Vol.3 - Radar Applications, 2014.pdf

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