Vitbar192 ® 24-Oct-2020 12:01

Period Ship Modelmaking

Year: 2007
Language: english
Author: Reed P.
Genre: Manual
Publisher: Seaforth Publishing
Edition: 1st
ISBN: 1844156966
Format: PDF/EPUB
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 228
Description: This new shipmodeller's manual explains in graphic manner how to build a small 1/16th scale model of the American privateer schooner Prince de Neufchatel. She was one of a new class of large, fast and seaworthy schooners that first made their appearance during the war of 1812. She had a short but notoriously successful career that earned her a permanent place in her nation's history. World-renowned ship modeller Phil Reed describes in this new book how to build two versions of this ship: a waterline model and a full-hull display model. Building on the success of his first book, Modelling Sailing Men-of-War, which described the complex building process of the 74-gun ship, he has here taken a simpler vessel, to encourage the less experienced shipwright to embark upon a scratch-built hull. Taking this schooner as a prototype, the author passes on a wealth of experience which will enable modellers of all skill levels to confidently tackle every aspect of building any small fore-and-aft rigged vessel.



Reed P. Period Ship Modelmaking, 2007

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