Gogo81 ® 20-Dec-2020 05:09

The Boating Bible

Year: 1991
Language: english
Author: Jim Murrant
Genre: Handbook
Publisher: Sheridan House
Edition: First
ISBN: 0924486-13-9
Format: EPUB
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 310
Description: The Boating Bible contains all the essential information sailors need in one easy-to-use volume. The book instructs the reader in all the skills necessary to be able to sail competently, starting with a basic explanation of the structure of a sailing boat and the best way to set up a boat for sailing followed by a detailed discussion of the theory and practice of sailing. The practical side of sailing is emphasized.
Jim Murrant
Jim has been sailing for more than 60 years - competed in 14 Sydney-Hobart races, one Fastnet race and many other ocean races. He has crossed the notorious Bass Strait more than 40 times. He has also delivered scores of yachts. He has sailed in every ocean except the north Pacific.
Although his career was in mainstream journalism - both as writer and as senior newspaper executive - he never lost sight of sailing, which he began at school in England. Outside his main job he was for five years yachting correspondent for Australia's largest circulation daily newspaper, he wrote three yachting books, including The Boating Bible: An Essential Handbook for Every Sailor* - 70,000 copies sold worldwide - and the history of Australia's premier yacht club, the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron.



The boating bible

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