pippolo ® 03-Feb-2021 19:05

Determination of structural capacity by non-linear finite element analysis methods DNVGL-RP-C208

Year: 2020
Language: english
Author: DNV GL AS
Genre: Methodological guide
Publisher: DNVGL
Edition: September 2019 - Amended January 2020
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 150
Description: 1.1 General
This document is intended to give guidance on how to establish structural resistance by use of non­linear
finite element (FE) methods. It deals with determining the characteristic resistance of a structure or part of a
structure in a way that fulfils the requirements to ultimate strength in DNV GL standards.
Non­linear effects that may be included in the analyses are material and geometrical non­linearity, contact
problems, etc.
The characteristic resistance should represent a value that meets the requirement that there is less than 5%
probability that the resistance is less than this value. This definition of characteristic resistance is similar to
what is required by many other structural standards that use the limit state safety format. Recommendations
in this document are expected to be valid for determination of capacities to be used with such standards.
1.2 Objective
The objective of this recommended practice is that analyses carried out according to the recommendations
given in this document will lead to a structure that meets the requirements to the minimum safety margin in
the governing structural standard.
This document is not intended to replace formulas for resistance in design standards for the cases where they
are applicable and accurate, but to present methods that allow for using non­linear FE­methods to determine
resistance for cases that is not covered by traditional standards.
1.3 Scope
This recommended practice is meant to supplement structural design standards for offshore steel structures
and gives recommendation on how to determine the structural capacity by the use of non­linear finite
element analysis.
1.4 Validity
The document is valid for marine structures made from structural steels meeting requirements to offshore
structures with yield strength of up to 500 MPa.
The recommendations presented herein are adapted to typical offshore steels that fulfil the requirements
specified in DNVGL­OS­C101 /9/ or an equivalent offshore design standard. The specified requirements are
made under the assumption that the considered structure is operating under environmental conditions that
are within the specifications of the applied offshore standard. If the offshore unit is operating outside these
specifications, the failure criterion presented in this recommended practice can only be utilized if it can be
documented that both the weld and parent material have sufficient toughness in the actual environmental
This recommended practice is concerned only with failure associated with extreme loads. Failure due to
repeated loading from moderate loads (fatigue) needs to be checked separately. See DNVGL­RP­C203 /11/.




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