twicer ® 15-Aug-2021 14:38

'Inside Ship' video series

Year: 2020-2021
Language: english
Genre: UK P&I Club
Playtime: multiple
Quality: HD
Format: MP4
Video: 1920x1080 H.264 MPEG-4 AVC
Audio: AAC 44KHz x 32Kbps
Description: Welcome to the UK Club's new training video series 'Inside Ship'.
The Loss Prevention team at the UK P&I Club has launched ‘Inside Ship’, a new series of training animated videos promoting risk awareness and encouraging risk management practices on board. The videos add to the UK Club’s Loss Prevention training resources and will complement other training videos, such as its Lessons Learnt series.
The Inside Ship series will provide videos on potential risks, with the aim of avoiding them, and are based on risk assessors’ real-world experience carrying out risk assessments onboard Member vessels. Each video highlights a critical risk area found on board and suggests mitigation techniques for preventing the risks becoming a claim.
1. Inside Ship: Shielding of hot surfaces
2. Inside Ship: Steering gear failure - action on the bridge
3. Inside Ship: The importance of taking proper samples during bunkering operations


Inside Ship

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