twicer ® 15-Aug-2021 18:09

Lessons Learnt | Burn Injury to Engineer

Year: 2021
Language: english
Author: UK P&I Club
Playtime: 03:55
Quality: HD
Format: MP4
Video: 1920x1080 H.264 MPEG-4 AVC
Audio: AAC 44KHz x 32Kbp
Description: The Club has produced a series of award-winning educational training videos based on common, real life shipping accidents. Analysis of these incidents, which have caused death, injury and ship damage, serve as lessons to Members and prompt the critical question: Could this happen on my ship?
In this video:
When carrying out a routine inspection of the engine room, the first engineer noticed steam leaking from the main steam dump valve gasket. The second and third engineers were instructed to stop the boiler operation and drain all steam and water from the system, ensuring it was empty and depressurised.
Once complete, the first engineer removed the valve bonnet as steam and hot water blew out from the joint at high pressure causing extensive burns to his face and body.
This video explores what lessons can be learnt from this incident.


Lessons Learnt_Burn Injury to Engineer.mp4

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