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Sailing Big On A Small Sailboat

Year: 1997
Language: english
Author: Jerry D. Cardwell
Genre: Handbook
Publisher: Sheridan House Inc.
Edition: Second
ISBN: 1-57409-007-0
Format: PDF & EPUB
Quality: Scanned pages
Pages count: 210
Description: Anyone dreaming about owning an affordable sailboat will find the information in this book to be essential. Jerry Caldwell shows how cruising on a small but properly equipped boat that can be kept at home and towed to the water behind the family car is a satisfying and not very costly exercise.
Sailors and prospective boat buyers will learn to evaluate boats in the 22- to 26-foot range, such as the Catalina, Hunter and MacGregor, and the equipment and accessories that will enable them to sail BIG on a small sailboat far more easily and for less money than you can "sail small" on a big sailboat. Throughout the book the emphasis is on careful planning and selection of boat and accessories to get the most enjoyment from the least investment.
The author of this book has the easy job of convincing you that a small sailboat is cheap and easy to maintain, especially if you can live with a secondhand boat. This book is a well-detailed training manual for boat buying...This book also contains a list of first-aid needs, a list of tool-kit needs, and instructions on caring for your trailer. (The Ensign)
Trailersailing is often an affordable way to get into cruising. This book will help you evaluate boats in the 22- to 26-foot range and covers equipment and accessories for this size range that will make your sailing adventures more enjoyable. Includes a chapter on buying used boats. (Cruising World)
Jerry Cardwell took the title of his book Sailing Big on a Small Sailboat from his first law of sailing big: You can sail big on a small sailboat far more easily and for much less money that you can sail small on a big sailboat.
Additional info: About the Author
Jerry Caldwell was an enthusiastic sailor for over 20 years, always in sailboats under 30 feet. He was an academic and the author of several books, including the very successful first two editions of Sailing Big on a Small Sailboat.



Sailing big on a small sailboat

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