pierdolphin1950 ® 17-Nov-2021 22:23

POSOW - Oiled wildlife response

Year: 2013
Language: english
Author: POSOW
Genre: Manual
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 60
Description: Some marine animals, such as marine and coastal birds, sea turtles, seals and otters are extremely sensitive to oiling. This is because these animals use the water surface (where oil floats) to rest, dive through from above to feed, or to break through from beneath to breathe. The effects of oiling may be lethal and many animals affected by the oil will die at sea. However, a certain number of oiled animals (dead or alive) may arrive at the nearest coast. Depending on the circumstances this could range from only a few animals to hundreds or thousands if the oil spill occurs in the middle of an important habitat and season. Large numbers of animals arriving ashore may cause a serious challenge to the affected country and this needs special consideration as part of the oil spill response activities.



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