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Sea Over Bow - A North Atlantic Crossing

Year: 2018
Language: english
Author: Kenyon L.
Genre: History
Publisher: Signature Editions
Edition: 1st
ISBN: 978-1773240411
Format: EPUB
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 149
Description: After her marriage of 25 years ended badly, Linda Kenyon was determined to never put herself in the way of a broken heart again. But then she met an extraordinary man, and in an act of great courage -- or foolishness -- decided to sell everything she owned and sail across the ocean with him. Sea Over Bow: Crossing the North Atlantic is the account of that journey. It takes readers to the middle of the ocean, a place most people have only imagined. It describes the trail of sparkling blue-green light that traces their path across the water at night. Curious dolphins who frolic around the boat. The rising sun that shines through the yellow and green stripes of the spinnaker and bathes the cockpit in soft warm light. Throwing up in a pail. Dinty Moore stew straight from the can when the sea is too rough to even attempt a meal on the gimbal stove. Hurricane force winds and safe harbours. Along with the challenges of nature is also the time to think, and dream, and make sense of life. Sea Over Bow is ultimately a love story, the story of falling in love with a man, and of falling in love with the simple life on board a small craft in a large ocean, surrounded by the beauties of the natural world.
Additional info: About the Author
Linda Kenyon is a writer of short fiction and creative non-fiction. She lives full-time on a 43-foot sailboat with her second husband Chris, an accomplished sailer. Stories about her sailing adventures have appeared in Grand Magazine and she has had several short stories published in Canadian literary journals. She has published two flash fiction chapbooks, You Are Here (Trout Lily Press) and This is a love song, sort of (Stonegarden Press) as well as the non-fiction book Rainforest Bird Rescue: Changing the future for endangered wildlife (Firefly Books), which won a Canadian Science Writers Association Science in Society Journalism Award.



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