gillnumil ® 05-Feb-2022 05:54

GMDSS: Glonal Maritime Distress and Safety System

Year: 1998
Language: english
Author: Invelco S.A.
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 117
Description: INVELCO, S.A. is leader in the design of communications equipment in the MF/HF and VHF field and also in that destined for (G.M.D.S.S.), being manufacturer of all the equipments that usually compose a system of these characteristics.
INVELCO, S.A. has designed, installed and started all the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System operating in Spain for the Merchant Marine Administration.
On other hand, it has designed and installed all the MF/ HF communications system for the Maritime Service of Telefónica S.A.
INVELCO, S.A., carries out the whole process, including project, manufacture, installation, starting and training of the equipment.
The system of (G.M.D.S.S.) manages the MF/HF and VHF equipments simultaneously in an unique integrated system or separately.
The G.M.D.S.S. information can be sent to rescue and search service centres.



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