spitzer ® 14-Apr-2022 12:57

Collision between APL Southampton and Chinese Fishing Vessel - TSIB

Year: 2019
Language: english
Author: Transport Safety Investigation Bureau - MOT Singapore
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 31
Description: On 15 March 2018, when the SRS APL Southampton was enroute from the port of Xiamen to Ningbo (China), she was involved in a collision with a fishing vessel during the hours of darkness and in restricted visibility (fog).
The collision resulted in the capsizing and sinking of the fishing vessel, with reportedly one fatality, one missing and eight injured crew of the fishing vessel. The TSIB classified the occurrence as a very serious marine casualty and launched an investigation.



[TSIB] Collision Between SRS MV APL Southampton & Chinese Fishing Vessel (2019).pdf

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