Year: 1944 Language: english Author: John Favill Publisher: Cornell Maritime Press Edition: 3rd Format: PDF Quality: OCR without errors Pages count: 287 Description: This fascinating antiquarian volume contains a comprehensive exposition of the elementary principles of celestial navigation, including information on the fundamentals, procedures and their problems, practical points, essential equipment, and much more besides. Written in clear, concise language and containing a plethora of helpful illustrations and tables, this text will be of considerable utility to the novice astrologer, and will also be of use to those with more experience as a reference book. The chapters of this volume include: Astronomical Time, The Nautical Almanac, Altitudes, The Sextant, The Compass, The Astronomical Triangle, Trigonometry, Logarithms, Introduction to Position Finding, Latitude, Longitude and Chronometer Error, Azimuth and Compass Error, et cetera.
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Primer of Celestial Navigation
Year: 1944
Language: english
Author: John Favill
Publisher: Cornell Maritime Press
Edition: 3rd
Format: PDF
Quality: OCR without errors
Pages count: 287
Description: This fascinating antiquarian volume contains a comprehensive exposition of the elementary principles of celestial navigation, including information on the fundamentals, procedures and their problems, practical points, essential equipment, and much more besides. Written in clear, concise language and containing a plethora of helpful illustrations and tables, this text will be of considerable utility to the novice astrologer, and will also be of use to those with more experience as a reference book.
The chapters of this volume include: Astronomical Time, The Nautical Almanac, Altitudes, The Sextant, The Compass, The Astronomical Triangle, Trigonometry, Logarithms, Introduction to Position Finding, Latitude, Longitude and Chronometer Error, Azimuth and Compass Error, et cetera.
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