twicer ® 01-Jul-2022 13:47

U.S. Aids to Navigation System

Year: 201x
Language: english
Author: USCG
Genre: Guide
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 36
Description: What You Need to Know About the Markers on the Water
Aids to Navigation can provide a boater with information similar to that which drivers get from street signs,
stop signals, road barriers, detours, and traffic lights.
This booklet will give you, the recreational boater, the basic information you need about the U.S. Aids
to Navigation System (USATONS). This information will help you recognize, understand, and navigate by
the colors, shapes, numbers, and lights you will encounter on the water. It will also give you the basic
tools you need to read a nautical chart.
In addition, you will find information on safety, the proper way to interact with other vessels, tips on
boating at night, and how to handle special situations you might encounter, like bridges and locks.
Take some time to review this booklet, and keep it onboard your boat as a quick reference.




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