kpanago1960 ® 07-Aug-2022 18:41

Maritime English (with Audio Support) Vol. 1

Year: 2020
Language: english
Author: Papaleonidas, Paraskevi
Genre: Textbook
Publisher: Eugenides Foundation
Edition: First
ISBN: 978-960-337-122-9
Format: PDF + Mp3
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 537
In an eight-semester academic curriculum of a merchant marine academy, the cadets are required to attend studies for 6 semesters and attend on-board training for 2 semesters.
This textbook, covers material for training of the cadets at that particular academy according to IMO model course 3.17 at the basic level for the semesters A, B, and C.
For the Marine Deck cadets (=Πλοίαρχοι) there are 5 units per each of the abovementioned semesters and 3 reviews with exercises, again one per semester.
For the Marine Engineer cadets (=Μηχανικοί), their curriculum includes “selections” from the abovementioned 5 units per semester, plus “Appendix I: English for Marine Engineers”. The latter one is divided into 3 parts, each of which is scheduled to be taught in each of the A, B, and C semesters.
The above classification of the units is shown on the Table of page 8, in the Introduction.



Maritime English with Audio Support Vol. 1 - P. Papaleonidas - 2020

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Thank U
kpanago1960 ® 14-Jun-2023 02:23
Valparaiso, the audio is in a separate folder that is placed within the folder that includes the e-book. If you cannot download it, perhaps your antivirous software prevents it from downloading.
Nguyen Van Thuan 16-Mar-2024 09:26
Dear sir,
These books (volume 1,2) are so great to mem however i could not download, if it is possible, could you please sent me full book with audio to this email *********************************
Many thanks sir
fergomez 04-Jun-2024 16:16
Is there an answer key for the activity? Or a teacher's book with the answers? Thanks in advance!
deck johnny 20-Jun-2024 17:12
I'm a student in a marine university, i see your book very good. I wanna lern knowleage from this book but i cannot dowload this file. May you send me this file marine english volume 1 have audio, please.
my email *********************************
thank you, sir
Ibrahima Sort Diallo 13-Jul-2024 11:30
Hello, I am Ibrahima Sort Diallo, I am a student in the marine. I see your blood very interesting but I cannot download the audio of the book.
Please I would like you to send me te link in my email.
Thank you in advance.
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