kpanago1960 ® 08-Aug-2022 01:37

English Grammar for the Merchant Marine Academies, Part 1

Year: 2003
Language: english
Author: Tsonis, Elias P.
Genre: Textbook
Publisher: Eugenides Foundation
Edition: First
ISBN: 960-337-052-5
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 175
This publication is scheduled to present the grammar phenomena of the English language, while at the same time provide the scientific jargon that is pertinent to deck and engineer cadets of the Merchant Marine Academies, according to the directives for maritime training of the IMO.
It has been reviewed by Ms. Jacqueline Bissel-Poliraki (BA, UED, RSA, MA, MSc, Med) of the British Council for the arrangement and presentation of the incorporated exercises in the content. It has been tested in classes, and published by the reputable non-for profit Eugenides Foundation.



English Grammar for the Merchant Marine Academies, Part 1 - Elias P. Tsonis - 2003.pdf

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Thank U
kpanago1960 ® 08-Aug-2022 05:38
gillnumil, Dear Sir, can you erase my 3 last releases, as I will try to reload them from scratch.
gillnumil 08-Aug-2022 05:44
kpanago1960, No need dear ! Its just a simple edit. Click on the pencil button and erase the extra line in screenshot spoiler.
Its ok. I have corrected it this time.
refresh list

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