pierdolphin1950 ® 13-Aug-2022 11:48

Oil Tanker Operations Manual (OTM)

Year: 2020
Language: english
Author: Unknown
Genre: Manual
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 253
Description: Purpose of the Manual
To provide Company procedures for safe handling and carriage of MARPOL Annex 1 oil cargoes, including tank preparations.
It also contains procedures related to commercial and communication aspects. Contents of the manual are in line with statutory regulations, and best industry practices.
1. List of Contents
2. Introduction
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Cargo Roles and Responsibilities
3. Hazards and Precautions
3.1. Health and Safety
3.2. Fire Hazards and Precautions
3.3. Pump Room Entry Procedures
4. Cargo Operations
4.1. Cargo Properties
4.2. Cargo Planning and Stowage
4.3. General Port Procedures
4.4. Cargo Manifold Procedures
4.5. Cargo Surveys and Calculation
4.6. Cargo Sampling Procedures
4.7. Line and Valve Setting
4.8. Loading Operations
4.9. Cargo Monitoring Procedures
4.10. Cargo Care during Voyage
4.11. Discharging Operations
4.12. Ballast Handling Operations
4.13. STS Transfer Operations
4.14. Tank Cleaning and Gas Freeing Operations
4.15. Cargo Blending and Co-mingling
4.16. Cargo Internal Transfer Procedures
4.17. Cargo Heating Procedures
4.18. Crude Oil Washing
4.19. Combination Carriers
5. Special Cargoes
5.1. Static Accumulator Oils
5.2. High Vapour Pressure Cargoes
5.3. Cargoes Containing H2S, Benzene, Mercaptans, TEL / TML
5.4. High Pour Point Cargoes
5.5. Asphalt
5.6. Cargoes with Elevated Mercury Levels
6. Cargo Systems and Equipment
6.1. Cargo Systems – General Care and Maintenance
6.2. Cargo Monitoring System
6.3. Cargo Tanks
6.4. Cargo Piping System
6.5. Cargo Hoses
6.6. Cargo Valve System
6.7. Cargo Pumping System
6.8. Cargo Tank Venting System
6.9. Gas Measuring Instruments
6.10. Inert Gas System
6.11. Tank Cleaning and Gas Freeing Equipment
7. Cargo Emergencies
7.1. Cargo Emergencies
8. Commercial Considerations
8.1. Commercial Inspections
8.2. Vessel Seaworthiness
8.3. Charter Party
8.4. Cargo Documents
8.5. Bill of Lading
8.6. Claims and Disputes
8.7. Vessel Insurance
9. Annex
Annex 1 Witness Statement Template
Annex 2 Standard Forms of LOI for Delivery of Cargo



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