twicer ® 01-Mar-2023 10:13

Potential of Ammonia as Fuel in Shipping

Year: 2022
Language: english
Author: EMSA
Genre: Guide
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 276
Description: The marine industry faces a number of substantive challenges, mostly driven by increasingly strict legislation with
regard to gaseous air emissions and global warming. Uncertainties related to globalisation, geopolitical influences,
digitalisation and cyber risks are complicating an already increasingly complex operating landscape as shipping
searches for the most effective propulsion and fuel strategies for the global fleet.
To provide regulators and stakeholders with the information required to make informed regulatory and investment
decisions, this study provides information on the properties, production, suitability and sustainability of using
ammonia as a marine fuel. Furthermore, an examination of the current regulatory instruments is presented, as
are a techno-economic assessment and a series of detailed risk-based case studies that examine the commercial
and safety implications of using ammonia as a marine fuel.



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