Gogo81 ® 12-Jul-2023 12:26

Lone Voyager

Year: 2000
Language: English
Author: Maureen Jenkins
Genre: Textbook
Publisher: London Bridge
Edition: First
ISBN: 978-0749920180
Format: PDF
Quality: Scanned pages
Pages count: 240
Description: Maureen Jenkins's life was unhappy and unfulfilled when, at the age of 44, she took a short lesson in sailing off the Cornish coast The sailing bug had bitten. Despite the disapproval of her husband and her own doubts and fears, a dream began to form of owning her own yacht and sailing single­ handedly to destinations around the world.
A 33-foot Spray in Watermouth Harbour, a replica of the yacht sailed by Joshua Slocum across the Atlantic in 1895, captured Maureen's heart. With the help of new friends she decided to build her own replica of the yacht. By now her marriage had irrevocably broken down and as her husband continued to oppose her plans, her yacht Lucia became a lifeline to a new world of independence and freedom. But cash for the building of Lucia was short, and Maureen was forced to auction most of her personal possessions to pay the bills. Meanwhile she continued her sailing lessons and attended astro navigation classes, determined to be able to skipper her own vessel. In the spring of 1995 she was ready
to embark on her first major solo voyage to the Azores, a journey of 1100 miles. The weather forecast was poor; before long Maureen would know only too well the awesome power of the sea.
Rich with the drama of life at sea, Lone Voyager will inspire anyone who has ever dreamed of following their heart's desire.



Lone Voyager

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