twicer ® 23-Jul-2023 20:17

New Trends in Electric Machines - Technology and Applications

Year: 2023
Language: english
Author: Miguel Prieto and Others
Genre: Technical book
Publisher: IntechOpen
Edition: 1st
ISBN: 9781839698514
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 99
Description: Electric machines are widely used in industry, energy, and transport, among other sectors. They are also heavily researched with scientific and technological efforts focusing on three main electric motor technologies, supervision and maintenance strategies, and control schemes.
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the technology and applications of electric machines. It is organized into two sections on maintenance and control. Chapters address such topics as signal processing and artificial intelligence, fault detection and identification schemes, predictive maintenance strategies, direct torque control and Lyapunov-based sensorless control, and more.


1. Fault Detection and Predictive Maintenance of Electrical Machines
2. Data Mining in Electrical Machine Maintenance Reports
3. Analysis of the Effects Produced by Pure Sine and Modified Sine Inverters in an Induction Motor
4. Robust Mechanism for Speed and Position Observers of Electrical Machines
5. Classical Direct Torque Control for Switched Reluctance Motor Drive


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