twicer ® 26-Jul-2023 09:21

Brown's Signalling: How to Learn the International Code of Visual and Sound Signals

Year: 1961
Language: english
Author: Stewart W. K.
Genre: Guide
Publisher: Brown, Son & Ferguson
Edition: 6th
Format: PDF
Quality: Scanned pages
Pages count: 230
Description: The International Code of Signals, Vol. 1, Visual, is designed to meet the normal peace-time requirements of merchant vessels, and provides the standard means of communication between ship and ship, and between ship and shore or aircraft.
Brown’s Signalling contains all the instructions relative to visual and sound signalling, and it has been compiled in such a manner that it provides a progressive course of study for those who desire to acquire proficiency in modern signalling, the subjects being arranged in the order best suited for that purpose.
The arrangement of the groups is the same as in Vol. 1 of the Code. A distinctive feature, and one which will be greatly appreciated, is the insertion of sufficient Code groups to admit of practice in the coding and decoding of messages. Numerous questions, with answers, relating to all forms of signals incorporated in the code, are given, along with coloured plates showing a complete set of signalling flags and the principal types of hoists.



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