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Confessions of a Long-Distance Sailor

Year: 1992
Language: english
Author: Paul Lutus
Genre: Other
Publisher: Lulu Press, Inc.
Edition: 1
ISBN: 1435710274
Format: DOCx
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 208
Description: An account of a four-year solo circumnavigation in a 31-foot sailboat. In 1988, I sailed away from the West coast of the United States in a 31-foot sailboat. This is my story — my account of a 3 1/2-year around the world solo sail.
What would you have done? I didn't expect to be on the bow of my little boat, changing sails, when the big wave came and tried to wash me into the sea. I was several days' sail west of Fiji in the South Pacific, at a time of year when the sea is supposed to be calm and predictable. Several hours before, my two-way radio had come to life -- "Sailing vessel Selene, this is Take Two, how do you copy?" I recognized my friend Ursula's voice -- I talked to her on the radio each day since we met in French Polynesia several months before. Ursula and her mate Bob were sailing around the world on Take Two, a fast German boat. But this wasn't our normal time to chat, and Ursula sounded worried, so I picked up the microphone. "Take Two, this is Selene, you are loud and clear, what's up?" She responded, "We've just picked up a weather warning from New Zealand -- there's a storm coming with 50 knot winds!"


Chapter 1 -- Introduction, San Juan Islands 1
Chapter 2 -- Oregon to Hawaii 9
Chapter 3 -- Hawaii to Marquesas 23
Chapter 4 -- Marquesas to Tuamotus and Tahiti 45
Chapter 5 -- Tahiti to Darwin 51
Chapter 6 -- Darwin to Sri Lanka 65
Chapter 7 -- Sri Lanka to Tel Aviv 78
Chapter 8 -- Tel Aviv to The Caribbean 98
Chapter 9 -- The Caribbean to Oregon 129
Epilogue 157
Glossary of Nautical Terms 158


Lutus P. Confessions of a Long-Distance sailor, 1992.docx

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