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Living aboard - the cruising sailboat as a home

Year: 1977
Language: English
Author: Jan Moeller and Bill Moeller
Genre: Handbook
Publisher: International Marine Pub. Co
Edition: First
ISBN: 978-0877420798
Format: PDF
Quality: Scanned pages
Pages count: 328
Description: After more than a decade of living afloat, Jan and Bill Moeller are comfortable and enthusiastic realists. They have learned and profited from others’ experiences; they have tried and erred on their own. They have found that life afloat, like life anywhere, has its problems, but those problems are small in relation to the rewards of the liveaboard lifestyle.
Living Aboard is the result of the Moellers’ accumulated experiences. It is a complete guide to the practicalities of living on a cruising boat that can get underway with 15 minutes’ notice — and the authors offer explicit suggestions on how to achieve this instant preparedness, the ultimate goal for the cruising liveaboard.
Living Aboard serves equally well those who plan to move onto a boat and those who already have done so. There are descriptions of 11 boat designs that make comfortable boat homes (and the Moellers stress comfort and livability as necessary virtues of the live- aboard boat); there are chapters on electronic equipment, safety gear, stowage, ventilation, maintenance, and more. Particularly useful is the chapter on the unique problems faced by liveaboards — practical solutions are offered for each of them.
Living Aboard dispels many misguided notions of roughing it on a boat — it is a valuable manual for anyone who has ever yearned to abandon a comfortable shoreside home for a comfortable boat home.



Living aboard the cruising sailboat as a home

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