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Anchoring and Mooring Techniques Illustrated

Year: 1991
Language: English
Author: Alain Gree
Genre: Handbook
Publisher: Sheridan House
Edition: First
ISBN: 978-0229117024
Format: PDF
Quality: Scanned pages
Pages count: 173
Description: The growth of marina berthing facilities has meant that many cruising yachtsmen are less practiced in in the arts of anchoring than they once were. Ground tackle is constantly being developed and different hull configurations have different requirements.
* Which anchor will hold best on a particular bottom?
* Which is better, chain or rope?
* Is it best to buoy the anchor?
* Where should you drop the hook?
* Have you room to sail the anchor out if necessary?
* Can you cast off in seconds in an emergency?
* How will the boat swing with wind and tide?
These and many other questions are answered in this book, which cast a fascinating light on both the art and science of sound mooring practice.



Anchoring and Mooring

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