Vitbar192 ® 06-Mar-2024 11:17

Shakedown Cruise - Lessons and Adventures from a Cruising Veteran as He Learns the Ropes

Year: 2018
Language: English
Author: Calder N.
Genre: History
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
Format: PDF/EPUB
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 253
Description: Long before he was one of America's leading yachting writers, Nigel Calder was a novice cruiser with ambitions grander than his experience, setting off for a round-world-voyage. Nigel and his partner Terrie were young and foolish, with a home-built boat that was new and untested, one child already and another on the way--but they were determined to complete an adventurous voyage from New Orleans to see the world.
It was the voyage that made Calder the marine guru he is today, a marvelous romp through uncharted family waters, while learning hard-won lessons from direct experience--troubleshooting engines, kedging off shoals and reefs, and most importantly navigating Nada, a home-built version of Atkin's Ingrid cruiser that quickly became very much part of the burgeoning Calder family too.
An adventure story and a colorful Caribbean travelog in one, Shakedown Cruise is a must-read for all who are curious about what it takes to become a cruising sailor or create an adventurous life, as well as those who are just looking to sail along with Calder and his family.



Calder N. Shakedown Cruise, 2018

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