janataly ® 13-Dec-2012 19:56

Навигация / Navigation

Year: 2011
Language: english
Author: Gard AS
Genre: Handbook
Publisher: Gard AS
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Number of pages: 72
Description: This booklet contains a collection of
loss prevention materials relating to
navigational accidents, training and
other issues which have been published
by Gard over the last five years. The
compilation may be used for individual
studies, as parts of training schemes, or
as individual topics in safety meeting or
There is a growing concern within
the industry about the increase in
navigational claims. The pattern seems
to be a steady number of claims per
ship but the severity of each claim
increases every year. In the last 4 years
alone, Gard has seen a doubling in
the value of the claims paid as a result
of navigational errors. Navigational
incidents represent approximately 40
per cent of the numbers of all claims
and 50 per cent of the costs.
There is a human error behind the
majority of navigational claims. The
occasional technical failure, normally
resulting in limited damage to piers
and ships’ sides are rare and not of
major concern.

Navigation March 2011.pdf

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