NNT ® 02-Nov-2015 10:48

Adequate Crewing and Seafarers Fatigue

Year: 2007
Language: english
Author: Andy Smith
Genre: Research papers
Publisher: Cardiff University
Edition: 2007
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 169
Description: Global concern with the extent of seafarer fatigue is widely evident everywhere in the shipping industry. Maritime regulators, ship owners, trade unions and P & I clubs are all alert to the fact that in some ship types, a combination of minimal manning, sequences of rapid turnarounds and short sea passages, adverse weather and traffic conditions, may find seafarers working long hours with insufficient recuperative rest.
A holistic view is needed of the effects of stress and health factors associated with long periods away from home, limited communication and consistently high work loads on seafarers. In these circumstances fatigue and reduced performance may lead to environmental damage, ill-health and reduced life-span among highly skilled seafarers who are in short supply.

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