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IMO Publications Supplements (January) [2025, PDF] twicer 2 MB 6
 FULL Package IMO Resolutions (01.2025) - IMO [2025, PDF] zxc -
IMO Model Course 3.17 - Maritime English [2015, PDF] warez 6 MB 13
IMO Model Course 1.39 - Leadership and Teamwork [2014, PDF] warez 1 MB 11
IMO Model Course 1.21 - Personal Safety and Social Responsibility [2016, PDF] warez 497 KB 11
IMO Model Course 1.07 - Radar Navigation at Operational Level [2017, PDF] warez 6 MB 13
IMO Model Course 3.13 - SAR Administration - IAMSAR Manual Vol. 1 [2014, PDF] warez 1 MB 14
IMO Model Course 1.10 - Dangerous, Hazardous and Harmful Cargoes [2014, PDF] warez 6 MB 11
International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code Amendments 2024 Edition - IMO [2024, PDF] btb-13- -
IMO Publications Supplements (July) - IMO [2024, PDF] twicer -
MARPOL Consolidated Edition 2022 International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships Supplement - IMO [2024, PDF] twicer -
Procedures for Port State Control, 2023 - IMO [2024, PDF] twicer -
Basic Documents | Volume 1 | 2023 Edition - IMO [2023, PDF] lordgrievous -
IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee Eighty-First session (MEPC 81) - Summary Report - Lloyd’s Register [2024, PDF] sugarspicesa… 2 MB 8
Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas (PSSA) 2017 Edition Supplement - IMO [2024, PDF] twicer -
2000 HSC Code International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft 2021 Edition - Supplement - IMO [2024, PDF] twicer -
IMO Publications Supplements (January) - IMO [2024, PDF] twicer -
Navigating Statutory Requirements - BUREAU VERITAS MARINE & OFFSHORE [2023, PDF] sugarspicesa… 453 KB 7
IGC Code International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk 2016 Edition - Supplement - IMO [2024, PDF] twicer -
IMO Publications Supplements (Compilation) - IMO [2023, PDF] twicer -
Guidelines for the Control and Management of Ships’ Biofouling - IMO [2023, PDF] twicer -
Code for Recognized Organizations (RO Code) - IMO [2013, PDF] Salomon_man -
Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs - United Nations [1961, PDF] gillnumil 664 KB 11
IMO Instruments Implementation (III) Code - IMO [2013, PDF] keyur -
International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Fishing Vessel Personnel (STCW-F) - IMO [1995, PDF] gillnumil -
Guidelines on how to deal with seafarer abandonment cases - ILO & IMO [2022, PDF] gillnumil -
NAVTEX Manual (2023 Edition) - IMO [2023, PDF] twicer -
Unified Interpretations To Marpol Annex VI | MEPC.1-Circ.795 Rev.7 - IMO [2023, PDF] twicer -
ESP Code Supplement - IMO [2022, PDF] twicer -
STCW Convention Supplement - IMO [2022, PDF] twicer -
MEPC. 328(76) - Пересмотренное Приложение VI к Конвенции МАРПОЛ 2021 года / Правила предотвращения загрязнения воздушной среды с судов - ИМО КЗМС (MEPC) [2021, PDF] Jefe Maquinas 1 MB 4
Resolution MEPC.328(76)_2021 Revised MARPOL Annex VI - IMO MEPC [2021, PDF] Jefe Maquinas -
Guidelines for the Implementation of MARPOL Annex V Supplement - IMO [2022, PDF] twicer -
Ballast Water Management Convention and BWMS Code - Supplement - IMO [2022, PDF] twicer -
International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code - Corrigenda - IMO [2022, PDF] twicer -
Процедуры контроля судов государством порта 2021 года. Резолюция А.1155(32) - International Maritime Organization [2022, PDF] Jefe Maquinas -
IMO Circulars Collection - IMO [2022, PDF] twicer -
Model Course 1.10 Dangerous - hazardous and harmful cargoes - 2014 Ed - IMO [2014, PDF] pierdolphin1… -
IMO - Model Course 1.03 Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations - IMO [2015, PDF] pierdolphin1… -
IMO Model Course 1.22 Bridge Resource Management - IMO [2020, PDF] twicer -
List of IMO MSC Circulars - IMO [cont, PDF] at_liberty -
Принятие международного кодекса по безопасности для судов, использующих газы или иные виды топлива с низкой температурой вспышки (Кодекс МГТ) - Резолюция MSC.391(95) - ИМО Комитет по безопасности на море (MSC) [2015, PDF] Jefe Maquinas 2 MB 1
IMO Model Course 6.10 - IMO [2012, PDF] Marcuz -
2019 Guidelines for Port State Control under MARPOL Annex VI Chapter 3 (Resolution MEPC.321 (74)) - IMO MEPC [2019, PDF] Jefe Maquinas -
Руководство по использованию электронных журналов операций согласно Конвенции МАРПОЛ (Резолюция MEPC.312(74)) - ИМО КЗМС (MEPC) [2019, PDF] Jefe Maquinas 278 KB 6
Резолюции КЗМС: MEPC.314(74); MEPC.316(74); MEPC.317(74) – Поправки к Приложениям I, II, V, VI МК МАРПОЛ и Техническому Кодексу по NOx - ИМО КЗМС (MEPC) [2019, PDF] Jefe Maquinas 320 KB 1
Resolutions: MEPC.314(74); MEPC.316(74); MEPC.317(74) – MARPOL amendments - IMO MEPC [2019, PDF] Jefe Maquinas -
Guidelines for the use of electronic record books under MARPOL - IMO [2019, PDF] virtual -
IMO Conventions and Codes - Kostoglou Georgios-Rafail [2016, PDF] ankit9022 1 MB 6
Revised Guidance on the Management of Spoilt Cargoes MEPC.1/Circ.809 - IMO [2013, PDF] virtual -

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