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Diesel Exhaust Valves - V.P. Smirnov [2007, PDF] keyur 9 MB 1
Auxiliary Boiler Survey - Kim Rolfsen [2006, PDF] keyur 12 MB 4
Marine Boiler Units - V. I. Enin [1993, PDF] keyur 31 MB 6
Basics of Welding and Thermal Processes in Shipbuilding and Ship Repair - E.G. Burmistrov [2017, PDF] keyur 71 MB 4
Modern Marine Medium Speed Engines - I.V.Voznitsky [2003, PDF] keyur 15 MB 5
Technology of Marine Vessels - Hull Structures - M.K.Glosman [1984, PDF] keyur 42 MB 4
Practice of Use of Marine Fuels on Vessels - I. V. Voznitsky [2005, PDF] keyur 14 MB 3
Accident Prevention of Marine Internal Combustion Engines - I. V. Voznitsky, L. A. Ivanov [1971, PDF] keyur 27 MB 4
Practical Recommendations for Lubrications of Marine Diesel - I. V. Voznitsky [2007, PDF] keyur 16 MB 3
Damage and Breakdown of Diesel Engines - Examples and Cause Analysis - I. V. Voznitsky [2005, PDF] keyur 12 MB 7
Marine Diesel Engines and their Operation - I. V. Voznitsky, E. G. Mikheev [1990, PDF] keyur 68 MB 5
Basics of Welding Ship Structures - S. A. Andreev, V. S. Golovchenko [2006, PDF] keyur 60 MB 2
Sanitary Systems of Sea Vessels - Guskov M.G, Makarov V.G [1989, PDF] keyur 14 MB 5
Ship Boiler Plants - V. I. Enin, I. I. Kotylev [1993, PDF] keyur 39 MB 4
Shipbuilding Technology - V. L. Aleksandrov [2003, PDF] keyur 48 MB 7
Shipbuilding Technology - Welding of Ship Structures - V. N. Morozov [2011, PDF] keyur 6 MB 2
Basics of the Technical Operation of the Fleet and Ship Repair - O. K. Zyablov [2013, PDF] keyur 3 MB 3
Technology of Ship Repairing - D D Benkovsky [1986, PDF] keyur 53 MB 10
Marine Engine Repair - Internal Combustion - M. A. Dayhes [1980, PDF] keyur 28 MB 5
Fuel Equipment for Marine Diesel - I. V. Voznitsky [2007, PDF] keyur 15 MB 1
Identification of Damage to the Elements of Ship Boiler Plants - N. I, Denisenko, I. I. Kostylev [2007, PDF] keyur 15 MB 5
Ship Propellers - S. V. Antonenko [2007, PDF] keyur 14 MB 10
Torsional Vibrations in Marine ICE - P. A. Istomin [1968, PDF] keyur 91 MB 2
Ship Repair Technology - Pokudin VG, Vikhrov NM [2007, PDF] keyur 44 MB 5
Water Desalination Plants - V. C. Braznovsky [2005, PDF] keyur 4 MB 4
Auxiliary Mechanisms and Ship Systems - Kornilov E.V, Boyko P.V, Golofastov E.I [2009, PDF] keyur 35 MB 6
Fundamentals of Fluid Film Lubrication - Mihir Kumar Ghosh, Bankim Chandra Majumdar [2014, PDF] keyur 26 MB 2
Hydraulics Training Course - Vol. 1 - Hydraulic Drive - Fundamentals and Components - H. Exener, R. Freitag [2003, PDF] keyur 27 MB 9
Manual for Refrigeration Practitioners - Patrick Jacquard, Serge Sandre [2002, PDF] keyur 17 MB 7
Marine Engineering - Roy L. Harrington, Various [1980, PDF] keyur 68 MB 0
Mitsubishi Exhaust Gas Turbocharger Maintenance Video [20--, VOB] keyur 1.7 GB 0
Update on Potential of Biofuels in Shipping - Laursen R. Barcarolo, D. Patel [2022, PDF] keyur 5 MB 3
Engine Alignment - Marine Propulsion - Winterthur Gas and Diesel [2021, PDF] keyur 929 KB 10
IMO Instruments Implementation (III) Code - IMO [2013, PDF] keyur -
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section VI - Recommended Rules for the Care and Operation of Heating Boilers - ASME [2010, PDF] keyur 11 MB 3
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section IV - Rules for Construction of Heating Boilers - ASME [2007, PDF] keyur 17 MB 4
Fluid Power Data Book - Quantum Group [2006, PDF] keyur 17 MB 1
MAN B&W 6G60ME-C-LGIP - MAN B&W [2020, PDF] keyur 43 MB 11
Maersk Venture Operating Manuals - Worldwide Marine Technology Ltd [2008, PDF] keyur 91 MB 5
The Inspection, Maintenance and Application of Marine Coating Systems - American Bureau of Shipping [2007, PDF] keyur 9 MB 1
Encyclopedia of Tribology - C. Kajdas, S.S.K. Harvey [1990, PDF] keyur 18 MB 3
Preparation and Conduct of Speed/Power Trials - International Tank Towing Conference [2014, PDF] keyur 932 KB 5
Gas Carrier Inspector Course (MS-513) - Student Guide - United States Coast Guard [2017, PDF] keyur 1 MB 5
International Health Regulations - WHO [2016, PDF] keyur 3 MB 7
Gap Analysis - Revised IGC Code vs IGC Code - Bureau Veritas [2015, PDF] keyur 5 MB 5
ISO 18119:2018 - Gas cylinders – Seamless steel and seamless aluminium-alloy gas cylinders and tubes – Periodic inspection and testing - ISO [2018, PDF] keyur 2 MB 3
Lubricants and Hydraulic Fluids - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers [1999, PDF] keyur 1 MB 4
TMC Control Air Dryer (A-250) and Control Air Filter (F5-28/F6-28/F7-28) - Tamrotor Marine Compressors AS [2015, PDF] keyur 5 MB 3
Handbook of Machining and Metalworking Calculations - Ronald A. Walsh [2001, PDF] keyur 6 MB 3
Fundamentals and Technology of Combustion - Fawzy El-Mahallawy, Saad El-Din Habik [2002, PDF] keyur 22 MB 2

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