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Active Control of Offshore Steel Jacket Platforms - Bao-Lin Zhang • Qing-Long Han [2019, PDF] namemamun 8 MB 4
Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly-Part-4 - F.D Rose [2019, PDF] namemamun 17 MB 1
Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly-Part-3 - F.D Rose [2019, PDF] namemamun 16 MB 1
Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly-Part-2 - F.D Rose [2019, PDF] namemamun 15 MB 1
Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly-Part-1 - F.D Rose [2019, PDF] namemamun 14 MB 1
Application of Remote Real-Time Monitoring to Offshore Oil and Gas Operations - National Academy of Sciences [2016, PDF] namemamun 2 MB 5
Design Guides for Offshore Structures - Welded Tubular Joints - ARSEM [1987, PDF] namemamun 10 MB 4
Offshore Medicine - Medical Care of Employees in the Offshore Oil Industry - R.A.F. COX [1987, PDF] namemamun 8 MB 4
Offshore Pile Design - Pierre Tirant [1992, PDF] namemamun 11 MB 2
Trends in the Analysis and Design of Marine Structures - J. Parunov [2019, PDF] namemamun 178 MB 4
Shallow Water Hydraulics - Oscar Castro-Orgaz [2019, PDF] namemamun 23 MB 6
Maritime Strategy and Sea Control-Theory and Practice - Milan Vego [2016, PDF] namemamun 3 MB 4
Maritime Strategy and Sea Denial-Theory and Practice - Milan Vego [2019, PDF] namemamun 6 MB 4
Electrical Submersible Pumps Manual - Gabor Takacs, Ph.D [2018, PDF] namemamun 12 MB 2
Dynamics of fixed marine structures - N. D. P. Barltrop [1991, PDF] namemamun 81 MB 3
DEEPWATER DRILLING - Peter Aird [2019, PDF] namemamun 18 MB 3
A Primer of Oilwell Drilling - Ron Baker [2001, PDF] namemamun 13 MB 3
Theoretical hydrodynamics - L. M. MILNE-THOMSON [1962, PDF] namemamun 26 MB 2
Practical Seal Design - LEONARD J. MARTINI [1984, PDF] namemamun 15 MB 3
Principles of Radio Navigation for Ground and Ship-Based Aircrafts - Sauta O.I. [2019, PDF] namemamun 6 MB 8
Planning And Design Guidelines For Small Craft Harbors - ASCE [2012, PDF] namemamun 8 MB 4
Cruise Operations Management-Hospitality Perspectives - Philip Gibson and Richard Parkman [2019, PDF] namemamun 21 MB 5
Human factors in transportation-social and technological evolution across maritime road rail and aviation domains - GIUSEPPE DI BUCCHIANICO [2017, PDF] namemamun 24 MB 3
Oil and Gas Pipelines in Nontechnical Language - Thomas O. Miesner and Dr. William L. Leffler [2006, PDF] namemamun 13 MB 2
Ship Channel Design and Operation - American Society of Civil Engineers [2005, PDF] namemamun 72 MB 2
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Civil, Offshore and Environmental Engineering - Bashar S. Mohammed [2021, PDF] namemamun 226 MB 2
The Story of Offshore Arctic Engineering - Dan Masterson [2019, PDF] namemamun 8 MB 4
Gas and Oil Reliability Engineering - Dr. Eduardo Calixto [2013, PDF] namemamun 28 MB 2
Frommer's easy guide to river cruising - Pauline Frommer [2017, EPUB] namemamun 36 MB 3
Fatigue design of marine structures - Inge Lotsberg [2016, PDF] namemamun 24 MB 4
Engineering applications of pneumatics and hydraulics - Ian C. Turner [2021, PDF] namemamun 17 MB 2
Encyclopedia of lubricants and lubrication - Theo Mang [2014, PDF] namemamun 121 MB 2
HSE Management in offshore and petroleum engineering - Srinivasan Chandrasekaran [2016, PDF] namemamun 10 MB 2
Engineering Drawing and design - David A. Madsen [2012, PDF] namemamun 42 MB 3
Sustainable maritime transportation and exploitation of sea resources- Volume 1 & 2 - Enrico Rizzuto [2011, PDF] namemamun 42 MB 3
Elements of hydrodynamic propulsion - J .A. Sparenberg [1984, PDF] namemamun 5 MB 6
Buoy engineering - Henri O. Berteaux [1976, PDF] namemamun 13 MB 3
Autonomous flying robots - Kenzo Nonami [2010, PDF] namemamun 12 MB 3
Arctic marine resource governance and development - Niels Vestergaard [2018, PDF] namemamun 5 MB 5
Operational Transportation Planning of Modern Freight Forwarding Companies - Xin Wang [2015, PDF] namemamun 2 MB 3
Metaheuristics for Maritime Operations - S. Mahdi Homayouni and Dalila B.M.M. Fontes [2018, PDF] namemamun 6 MB 4
Operators guide to rotating equipment - Julien LeBleu, Jr. and Robert Perez [2014, PDF] namemamun 3 MB 1
Pistons and engine testing - MAHLE GmbH [2016, PDF] namemamun 23 MB 5
Propulsion and Power, An Exploration of Gas Turbine Performance Modeling - Joachim Kurzke & Ian Halliwell [2018, PDF] namemamun 45 MB 6
Safe, Autonomous and Intelligent Vehicles - Huafeng Yu [2019, PDF] namemamun 5 MB 3
Shipping Economics, Collected Papers - S. G. Sturmey [1975, PDF] namemamun 30 MB 9
Trends and Challenges in Digital Business Innovation - Vincenzo Morabito [2014, PDF] namemamun 3 MB 2
Twenty-Third Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics - National Academy of Sciences [2001, PDF] namemamun 54 MB 3
Underwater Vehicles - Alexander V. Inzartsev [2009, PDF] namemamun 23 MB 2
Weather Derivatives- Modelling and Pricing Weather Related Risk - Antonis K. Alexandridis & Achilleas D. Zapranis [2013, PDF] namemamun 5 MB 5

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