Vitbar192 ® 04-Mar-2024 10:09

Escape From the Ordinary

Year: 2018
Language: English
Author: Bradley J.
Genre: History
Publisher: Close Reach
ISBN: 1732918406
Format: PDF/EPUB
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 313
Description: Retire early, sell everything, buy a boat 4,000 miles away and sail around the world. What could go wrong?
Meet Glen and Julie, sailors who follow their dream and discover that reality can be even bigger than imagined. From Force 10 storms in the North Atlantic to the crystal blue waters and native dancers of French Polynesia, Escape from the Ordinary (book 1 of the Escape Series) opens a window to adventures in extraordinary places not found in travel brochures.
Told with keen observations and sparkling with wry humor, Julie describes the terrors and pleasures of living a life of total independence on a sailboat where even simple decisions can have big consequences. This exhilarating, true story will thrill those planning to sail off into the sunset as well as armchair adventurers. Escape from the Ordinary reminds you of the unlimited possibilities in life and offers inspiration to go “all in” on your own dreams.
Traveling from one epic adventure to the next on board their sturdy Amel sailboat, Glen and Julie immerse themselves deeply into islands and cultures that are so off-the-beaten path you will reach for an atlas to find places like Bequia, the San Blas Islands, Niue… From dodging voodoo curses in the Bahamas to clawing their way out of underwater caverns in the South Pacific, Glen and Julie take the reader along for the adventure of a lifetime.
Come aboard and Escape from the Ordinary in places such as:
San Blas islands
Galapagos Islands
Marquesas Islands
Tuamotu Islands
Palmerston Island
New Zealand



Bradley J. Escape From the Ordinary, 2018

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