Arcan ® 24-Apr-2017 07:44

Marine Online - Ballast Water Management Methods

Year: 2016
Language: english
Genre: Learning Video
Playtime: 11:22
Quality: CamRip
Format: MP4
Video: 640x360 / 192 kbps / 16:9
Audio: 96 kbps / 44.1 KHz
Description: Ballast water treatment techniques to eliminating invasive aquatic species, reducing corrosion and complying with IMO ballast water guidelines. Ballast Water Management System for ships. Ocean-going ships take on ballast water to maintain stability when sailing without cargoes. This system ensures that ballast water is harmless when it is discharged into the sea at the loading port. Animal and plant plankton, bacteria, and other harmful materials in the ballast water are removed by the combined use of a high-performance filter, chemicals and venture tubes. This Section will provide you with information about various techniques for treating ballast water.
Ballast water exchange at sea.
Sequential method.
Flow-through method.
Ballast System.
Precautions to be taken when exchanging ballast at sea .
Non-release of blast water.
Discharge to shore facility .
Sediment removal.
Ballast Techniques.
Contingency procedures.
Tang-ency procedures.
Other not yet approved techniques.
Mechanical treatment methods such as filtration separation.
Physical treatment.
Ballast Methods.
Chemical treatment.
Ballast water sampling.
Location of sampling points.


Ballast Water Management Methods

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