Inder ® 01-Apr-2018 12:27

Maris ECDIS900 Operator Manual 2017

Year: 2017
Language: english
Author: Navico Holding AS
Genre: Manual
Publisher: Navico Holding AS
Edition: 2017
Format: PDF/EPUB
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 206
Description: Simrad Maris ECDIS900 MK5/MK15 Operator's Manual for Latest Software version including new 2017 ECDIS IMO standards incorporated.


9 Introduction
9 The ECDIS system
9 ECDIS requirement
10 System overview
11 System components
11 Software components
13 Hardware components
15 Basic operation
15 Start-up
15 Turning the system on and off
15 Adjusting display brightness
16 Set standard display
16 Changing workstations
16 Switching display to Korean language
16 Switching to Administrator mode
16 Service mode
17 Operation mode
17 Switching between charts
17 Zoom In/Out
18 Print screen
19 The user interface
19 The main window
19 Window title
20 Toolbar panel
21 Chart area
21 Console area
26 Security and system settings
27 ECDIS settings option
30 Tools for safe navigation
30 Man over board (MOB)
30 Adding an event
31 Selecting chart area
33 Center on ship
33 Auto centering
34 Targets
35 Loading/Unloading objects
35 Ship to point, range and bearing
35 Point to point, range and bearing
36 Ship to anchoring point, range and bearing
36 Modifying the ship properties
46 Show port list
46 Tide and current information
48 Weather
52 NYK Guard Zone settings
53 Ship profile management
53 Loading ship profile
53 Editing ship profile
53 Updating own ship data
Contents | ECDIS900 Operator Manual 5
54 Charts
54 Chart database installation
54 Electronic navigation charts (ENC)
78 C-MAP charts
97 Routes
97 Creating route using keyboard
97 Creating route using mouse
99 Download from GPS
100 Modifying a route
101 Route properties
102 Route plan overview
106 Parallel index
106 Load, unload, and delete route functions
107 Synchronize a route between workstations
108 Upload routes by LAN
108 Check a route
110 Danger highlighting
111 Route options
112 Route status report
112 Route import and export functions
112 New route
112 Route plan
113 Route monitoring
120 Waypoints
120 Active waypoint information
120 Selecting waypoints
122 Waypoint properties
122 Plotting a waypoint outside the screen
122 Rename waypoints
123 Delete a waypoint
123 Move a waypoint in the list
123 Waypoint ETA information
123 Fixed ETA function
124 Waypoint arrival warnings and alarms
125 Change active waypoint
125 New waypoint by coordinates
125 New waypoint by bearing
126 Set a new waypoint latitude/longitude
126 Set a waypoint as a Pilot waypoint
126 Center the chart display on the waypoint location
127 Radar
127 Target display
127 Show and hide name
127 Show and hide past track
127 Save the track
128 Delete a target
128 Target properties
128 Manual target
128 Target prediction
129 Target list
130 Target window
130 MK Radar kit
131 Display settings
132 Target tracking
6 Contents | ECDIS900 Operator Manual
132 Tools
133 Known/common errors
135 Alert management
136 List of alerts
137 User defined alarm
139 Anchor watching
140 Harbor mode
141 Automatic Identification System (AIS)
142 Broadcasted data
142 Targets
143 AIS target display
144 Sleeping target
145 Target association
146 Lost target alert
147 Show and hide AIS target's name
147 Show and hide past track
147 Save the track
147 AIS target properties
147 Messages
149 AIS data server
149 SeaTrac
152 The Log book
152 Logbook settings
152 Displaying the logbook
153 New log entry
154 Loading a logbook
154 Replay
155 Print
155 New logbook record
156 Capture screen client
157 Master bridge assistant (MBA)
158 Graphical display
159 Access to Navtex message
160 Editors overview
160 General tools
160 Selection
161 Edit menu
162 Navigation Editor
168 Object Editor
183 Predictor
183 Principle
184 Docking
185 Settings
186 Active leg window
188 SAR module overview
188 SAR symbols
191 Expanding square option
191 Parallel line option
Contents | ECDIS900 Operator Manual 7
192 Seismic module
192 Seismic data
195 Safety zone
196 Seismic module configuration
198 Annexes
198 Terms and abbreviations
200 Profile configuration parameters
202 Troubleshooting
202 Encryption scheme errors in ENC
203 Common errors in ARCS chart management
205 Maintenance
205 Weekly
205 Monthly


Maris ECDIS900 user manual

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