SerTan ® 22-Jun-2020 23:18

Guidelines for Healthy Food Onboard Merchant Ships

Year: 201X
Language: english
Author: ISWAN
Publisher: ISWAN
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 8
Description: The International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network of seafarers, has launched “HEALTHY FOOD” as one of the topics in the Seafarers’ Health Information Programme sponsored by the Shipowners' Club.
The ship, where seafarers not only work but spend all their time during a voyage, is seen as the best place for health intervention.
The availability of healthy food choices gives seafarers the opportunity to change to a more healthy diet and make a big difference to their health and well-being.
Mealtimes should be viewed as an enjoyable social experience with good healthy food options to maintain a healthy lifestyle.



Guidelines for Healthy Food Onboard Merchant Ships.pdf

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