gillnumil ® 12-Apr-2022 07:01

Healthy Food - A Guide for Seafarers

Year: 20xx
Language: english
Author: ISWAN
Genre: Guide
Publisher: International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN)
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 12
Description: Seafarers can help prevent diseases and improve their overall health by making healthy choices at mealtimes.
It is vital that seafarers look after their own health and wellbeing at sea and ashore. Where possible, seafarers should try to make healthy, nutritious food choices and ensure a balanced diet consisting of carbohydrates, protein, fat and fibre, vitamins and minerals with minimum levels of salt, fat and sugar.
Proper nutrition, along with adequate rest and sleep, regular exercise and good hygiene help to prevent diseases and improve health overall.
This guide encourages seafarers to look after their own health and provides information on proper nutrition relevant to the seafarers' work life. This includes information on essential vitamins, the importance of a healthy breakfast and drinking enough fluids, as well as the types of food to avoid.





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