twicer ® 05-Dec-2021 00:18

Marine Fuels Preventing Claims and Disputes

Year: 2018
Language: english
Author: North P&I Club
Genre: Guide
Publisher: North P&I Club
Edition: 1st
ISBN: 9780995565333
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 115
Description: This guide identifies potential causes of dispute in the supply of marine fuel and provides guidance on how to have the best chance of success when pursuing or defending a claim.
This guide highlights what can go wrong when purchasing, bunkering and using marine fuels and the steps that can be taken to avoid disputes and mitigate their impact.
It examines each stage of the supply chain, including the production and characteristics of fuel oil, contracts, transfer and handling operations, quantity and quality assessment, onboard storage and environmental compliance. It considers the impact of the 2020 global sulphur cap, with a particular focus on the increasing use of LNG as a marine fuel.
The guide also discusses collection of evidence relating to quality and quantity disputes and advises on claims management.
The appendices set out recommended BIMCO clauses, standard letters and no lien provisions.



Marine Fuels Preventing Claims and Disputes 2018.pdf

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