Jethro ® 24-Mar-2022 10:48

101 Sailing Navigation Secrets

Year: 2013
Language: english
Author: Captain John Jamieson
Genre: Handbook
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 157
Description: If you are anything like me, navigation can overwhelm even the saltiest of sea dogs. But that's not all--a sailboat will heel, roll, pitch and yaw from time to time. That makes navigation on a small vessel a challenge.
Throw in a handful of common tasks like steering, sail trim, reef the mainsail, change out the headsail, make a meal or repair an ornery system or mechanical device. Who has time for navigation?
But there's a sailing solution that you may not know - 90% of all sailing navigation can be completed before you cast off or weigh anchor. This #1 sailing secret can make your navigation underway safer and easier!
In this eBook, I'll show you how to save time and effort with specific sea-tested navigation tips that are simple to remember and retain. Unlock the secrets the pros use to make navigation easier than ever before. Slice 50% or more off the time it takes to plot a position with this powerhouse "two-for-one" tool.
Find out how to access hundreds of $$$s worth of super valuable sailing navigation charts and publications in just seconds--for free! Tap into hidden techniques you can use with any GPS, chart plotter, or radar to make navigation under sail safer worldwide!
Put these solid, sea-tested navigation tips into play aboard your small sailboat immediately. Keep your sailing crew and partners safe and sound on the waters of the world--wherever you choose to sail or cruise! Enjoy the read.



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