jwalcott_03 ® 17-Sep-2022 03:46

Reflective Learning - People Make Mistakes

Author: The Swedish Shipowners’ Association
Year: 201X
Language: english
Genre: Maritime Training
Playtime: 11:18
Quality: WEB-DL
Format: MP4
Video: 1920x1080
Audio: Stereo / 44.100khz
Description: People Make Mistakes - The Deadly DozenIn this lesson will be discuss the deadly dozen and go through a video that will show us three different scenarios where some of the deadly dozen were present.
The deadly dozen refers to twelve common conditions that can act as precursors to human error; leading to incidents. These conditions can influence people to make unintentional mistakes.
The aim of this video is not to just watch it, it is to think and discuss how our behaviours can impact safety. We want the learner to reflect on the behaviours outlined in the video and identify how these behaviours can arise during their work activities and operations.


Reflective Learning - People Make Mistakes

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