twicer ® 31-Oct-2022 21:25

Maritime Transportation | Safety Management and Risk Analysis

Year: 2022
Language: english
Author: Stein Haugen, Svein Kristiansen
Genre: Research papers
Publisher: Routledge
Edition: 2nd (December 15, 2022)
ISBN: 9780367518561
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 673
Description: The environmental and human costs of marine accidents are high, and risks are considerable.
At the same time, expectations from society for the safety of maritime transportation, like most other activities,
increase continuously. To meet these expectations, systematic methods for understanding and managing the risks
in a cost-efficient manner are needed. This book provides readers with an understanding of how to approach this
Firmly set within the context of the maritime industry, systematic methods for safety management and risk
assessment are described. The legal framework and the risk picture within the maritime industry provide necessary
context. Safety management is a continuous and wide-ranging process, with a set of methods and tools to support
the process. The book provides guidance on how to approach safety management, with many examples
from the maritime industry to illustrate practical use.
This extensively revised new edition addresses the needs of students and professionals working in shipping
management, ship design and naval architecture, and transport management, as well as safety management,
insurance, and accident investigation.
Copyright Year 2023

Contents (partly 3p of 14p)


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