twicer ® 24-Jan-2023 16:28

Port Information Manual

Year: 201x
Language: english
Author: Ben van Scherpenzeel
Genre: Guide
Edition: 1.4.5
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 56
Description: This Port Information Manual (PIM) has been written for all parties with an interest in improving the data of ports, terminals and their berths. Ports can receive up to 55000 different ships and the global shipping industry operates in a network of up to 9000 different ports. In order to achieve optimization of both ports and shipping a minimum set of standards to connect all parties is needed. For environmental and commercial reasons both ports and shipping get more and more a sense of urgency to start using the right standards. Timing is also important as once data with non-compliant standards is implemented, it is more difficult to connect to the nautical or supply chain industry.
This edition has been aligned with the Mariners Handbook (NP100) containing the same definitions. NP100 is a publication which sits on the shelf of most SOLAS vessels and provides guidance to seafaring and shore personnel alike.



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