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Marine Corrosion of Stainless Steels - D. FÉRON [2021, PDF] skipper3362 128 MB 4
Технологические основы комбинированных технологий обработки поверхности деталей из титановых сплавов - Овчинников Виктор Васильевич, Учеваткина Надежда Владимировна, Курбатова Ирина Александровна, Лукьяненко Елена Владимировна, Сбитнев Артем Геннадье 5sb1 64 MB 1
Пути повышения хладостойкости стали и сварных соединений - Горынин Владимир Игоревич, Оленин Михаил Иванович [2022, PDF] 5sb1 60 MB 2
The EU SRR and the IHM Explanatory Guidance - Dromon Bureau of Shipping [2020, PDF] sugarspicesa… 917 KB 6
Машиностроение. Энциклопедия. Том II-3 Цветные металлы и сплавы. Композиционные металлические материалы - группа авторов [2001, DjVu] 5sb1 21 MB 2
Машиностроение. Энциклопедия. Том II-2 Стали. Чугуны - группа авторов [2011, PDF] 5sb1 57 MB 1
Naval Material Science and Engineering Combined Class Notes - Thomas Dawson [N/A, PDF] neilmacho 24 MB 5
Principles and prevention of corrosion - Denny A Jones [1992, PDF] neilmacho 150 MB 3
Ships and marine technology — Accommodation ladders - ISO [2015, PDF] lb007 278 KB 7
Coatings: Materials, Processes, Characterization and Optimization - Kaushik Kumar , B. Sridhar Babu , J Paulo Davim [2021, PDF] skipper3362 9 MB 3
Handbook of Cathodic Corrosion Protection - W. von Baeckmann [1997, PDF] P3t3r 31 MB 2
Introduction to Corrosion Science - Edward McCafferty [2010, PDF] paolina_3 32 MB 4
Advances in Marine Antifouling Coatings and Technologies - Hellio C., Yebra D. (Eds.) [2009, PDF] Vitbar192 9 MB 3
Designing Cathodic Protection Systems for Marine Structures and Vehicles - Various authors [1999, PDF] paolina_3 2 MB 7
Рекомендации по определению тех.состояния контейнера-цистерны - РМРС [2020, PDF] SerTan 1 MB 6
Marine Corrosion of Stainless Steels - Chlorination and Microbial Effects - Working Party on Marine Corrosion [1993, PDF] Vitbar192 11 MB 3
Sea Water Corrosion of Stainless Steels - Mechanisms and Experiences - Working Parties on Marine Corrosion and Microbial Corrosion [1996, PDF] Vitbar192 9 MB 3
Corrosion for Everybody - Alec Groysman [2010, PDF] paolina_3 61 MB 3
Corrosion Inspection and Monitoring - Pierre R. Roberge [2007, PDF] paolina_3 49 MB 3
The Corrosion Performance of Metals for the Marine Environment, a Basic Guide - Various Authors [2012, PDF] paolina_3 950 KB 7
Marine composites - design and performance - Graham-Jones J., Summerscales J. [2019, PDF/EPUB] Vitbar192 158 MB 6
Marine applications of advanced fibre-reinforced composites - Graham-Jones J., Summerscales J. [2016, PDF] Vitbar192 48 MB 5
Boatbuilding in Aluminium Alloy - Ernest H Sims [2000, PDF] termomart 27 MB 4
Aluminium boatbuilding - Sims E.H. [1993, DjVu] Vitbar192 5 MB 2
Composite materials in maritime structures V. 2, Practical Considerations - Shenoi R.A., Wellicome J.F. [2008, PDF] Vitbar192 20 MB 4
Composite materials in maritime structures V. 1, Fundamental Aspects - Shenoi R.A., Wellicome J.F. [2008, PDF] Vitbar192 12 MB 5
Guidance Notes on Maintenance and Repair of Protective Coatings - ABS [2017, PDF] virtual 2 MB 6
Hydroblasting and Coating of Steel Structures - Andreas Momber [2003, PDF] gillnumil 5 MB 3
Maritime Composites - Richard Pemberton [2019, PDF] skipper3362 78 MB 1
Marine Corrosion in Tropical Environments - Sheldon W. Dean, Guillermo Hernandez-Duque Delgadillo & James B. Bushman [2000, PDF] gillnumil 6 MB 3
Tank coating guide pocket guide nr.1 - Lloyd's Register [2004, PDF] Stasblade 66 MB 4
Коррозия судов и морских сооружений - Чандлер К.А. [1988, PDF] SerTan 120 MB 2
Коррозия и защита судов - Пирогов В.Д. [1987, PDF] SerTan 6 MB 3
Технология судовых покрытий - Дринберг А.С. [2016, PDF] SerTan 177 MB 4
Guides to Good Practice in Corrosion Control, Coating for the Protection of Structural Steelwork - NPL [2000, PDF] virtual 130 KB 7
Marine Composites - Eric Greene [1999, PDF] jdecmail 10 MB 7
Marine Industry Surveying Module K--Corrosion and Coatings - Peter Morgan [2008, PDF] Henrydu 6 MB 2
Малотоннажные суда из стеклопластика - Хьюго Дю Плесси [1979, DjVu] YYa 3 MB 7
Corrosion Mechanisms in Theory and Practice - Philippe Marcus [2012, PDF] Masboy1980 31 MB 5
Corrosion and Corrosion Control - R. Winston Revie, Herbert H. Uhlig [2008, PDF] Masboy1980 3 MB 8
Corrosion of Constructional Steels in Marine and Industrial Environment - J.K.Saha [2013, PDF] SerTan 6 MB 4
High Temperature Corrosion and Protection of Materials 7 (Volume 1) - Pierre Steinmetz, Ian G. Wright & Others [2008, PDF] NNT 288 MB 3
Advanced Marine Materials and Coatings - RINA [2006, PDF] NNT 24 MB 6
Corrosion Control for Offshore Structures: Cathodic Protection and High-Efficiency Coating - Ramesh Singh [2014, PDF] NNT 5 MB 3

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