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Special Electric Machines - Rajini, Nagarajan [2024, PDF/EPUB] twicer 22 MB 1
A Text Book of Electrical Technology - Basic Electrical Engineering - B.L Theraja & A.K. Theraja [2005, PDF] sugarspicesa… 20 MB 4
Master Electrician Exam Prep: A Comprehensive Guide on Electricity Principles, Regulations, Codes, Safety - Liam Fuseworth [2023, PDF] twicer 2 MB 10
Electrical Interference Handbook [1998,PDF] - Norman Ellis [1998, PDF] josiastan741 20 MB 1
ABCs of Electronics | An Easy Guide to Electronics Engineering - Farzin Asadi [2024, PDF] twicer 11 MB 3
Electronics For Absolute Beginners: A Beginner's Guide To Understanding Electronics - Jace Pollux [2023, EPUB] twicer 2 MB 8
Power Electronics Handbook - Muhammad H. Rashid [2024, PDF] twicer 127 MB 4
Electricity Demystified, A self-teaching guide - STAN GIBILISCO [2005, PDF] namemamun 4 MB 7
Energy Harvesting- Solar, Wind, and Ocean Energy Conversion Systems (Energy, Power Electronics, and Machines) - Alireza Khaligh, Omer C. Onar [2010, PDF] namemamun 18 MB 1
Solar Energy- The Physics and Engineering of Photovoltaic Conversion, Technologies and Systems - Arno HM Smets, Klaus Jäger, Olindo Isabella, René ACMM van Swaaij, Miro Zeman [2015, PDF] namemamun 15 MB 1
Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics, 3rd Edition - P.C. SEN [2014, PDF] namemamun 53 MB 1
Understanding Requirements for Bonding and Grounding - Mike Holt [2020, PDF] twicer 153 MB 3
Электрические машины - Ю. В. Шевырёв [2017, PDF] 5sb1 49 MB 2
Электротехника и электроника. Электрический привод - Дементьев Ю.Н., Чернышев А.Ю., Чернышев И.А. [2017, PDF] 5sb1 9 MB 4
New Trends in Electric Machines - Technology and Applications - Miguel Prieto and Others [2023, PDF] twicer 18 MB 1
Electric Drive Systems and Operation - Valery Vodovozov [2015, EPUB] twicer 4 MB 5
Electric Drive Dimensioning and Tuning - Valery Vodovozov [2022, EPUB] twicer 4 MB 4
Beginner's Guide to Reading Schematics - Stan Gibilisco [2018, EPUB] twicer 4 MB 5
12 Volt Doctor's Alternator book - J. Beyn [1986, PDF] tobiassailor… 6 MB 5
Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics - Stan Gibilisco, Simon Monk [2022, PDF] twicer 15 MB 7
Water in Lithium-Ion Batteries - Futoshi Matsumoto, Takao Gunji [2022, EPUB] twicer 11 MB 0
Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers - Surya Santoso | H. Wayne Beaty [2018, PDF] pakasi 110 MB 4
Electronics All-in-One For Dummies - Doug Lowe [2022, PDF] twicer 84 MB 5
Power Electronics Handbook: Devices, Circuits and Applications - Muhammad H. Rashid [2018, PDF] twicer 117 MB 1
Practical Transformer Handbook: for Electronics, Radio and Communications Engineers - Irving Gottlieb [1998, PDF] pakasi 8 MB 4
Basic Electrical Engineering | Synchronous Generator - Tinesh Mahajan [2021, PDF] pakasi 2 MB 6
Sensors and Measurement Systems, 2nd Edition - Walter Lang [2021, PDF] pakasi 33 MB 4
Electrical Connectors: Design, Manufacture, Test, and Selection - WILEY [2021, PDF] pakasi 19 MB 3
Electrical Engineering for Non-Electrical Engineers, 3rd Edition - S. Bobby Rauf [2022, PDF] pakasi 36 MB 5
Units & Symbols for Electrical & Electronic Engineers - The IET [2016, PDF] pakasi 794 KB 7
American Electricians' Handbook - Terrell Croft [2013, EPUB] twicer 299 MB 1
Black & Decker The Complete Guide to Wiring, Updated 8th Edition: Current with 2020-2023 Electrical Codes - Black+Decker [2022, EPUB] pakasi 64 MB 1
Troubleshooting Electronic Circuits - A Guide to Learning Analog Electronics - Ronald Quan [2020, PDF] pakasi 14 MB 1
High Voltage Engineering Practice and Theory - Dr JP Holtzhausen Dr WL Vosloo [2007, PDF] ggaby 8 MB 3
Cabling The Complete Guide to Copper and Fiber-Optic Networking - Andrew Oliviero, Bill Woodward [2014, PDF] paolina_3 180 MB 0
Electrohidraulic Valves A Technical Look - Moog Inc. [20??, PDF] Ferreirolo 618 KB 4
High Voltage Engineering Fundamentals- 2E-E. Kuffel/W.S. Zaengl- Year 2000 - E. Kuffel/W.S. Zaengl [2000, PDF] Sreelesh88 4 MB 2
Black & Decker The Complete Guide to Wiring, Updated 7th Edition: Current with 2017-2020 Electrical Codes - Editors of Cool Springs Press [2017, PDF] jonathan tava… 141 MB 1
Design of Rotating Electrical Machine - Juha Pyrh¨onen, Tapani JokinenHanna, Niemel¨a [2008, PDF] arun25hyd 11 MB 1
Principles of Electronics - V. K. Mehta & Rohit Mehta [2008, PDF] gillnumil 28 MB 3
Schaum's Outlines of Basic Electricity - Milton Gussow [1983, PDF] neverless101 8 MB 3
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits - Charles K. Alexander and Matthew N. O. Sadiku [2013, PDF] marlamamba 23 MB 5
Fundamental Electrical and Electronic Principles - Christopher Robertson [2008, PDF] marlamamba 3 MB 5
Electrical installation guide According to IEC international standards - Schneider Electric S.A. [2016, PDF] virtual 19 MB 2
Power Transformers - Principles and Application - J.Winders [2002, PDF] SerTan 3 MB 5
Electrical Engineer’s Portable Handbook - Robert B. Hickey, P.E. [2004, PDF] ezhilz 13 MB 2
Mechanical Engineering Handbook - Frank Kreith [1999, PDF] dj_sula_kz 33 MB 2
Diesel Engine Transient Operation: Principles of Operation and Simulation Analysis - Constantine D. Rakopoulos, Evangelos G. Giakoumis [2010, PDF] dj_sula_kz 8 MB 5
Understanding Electronics - G. Randy Slone,‎ R. H. Warring [1989, PDF] Xoxo 12 MB 1
Electronics for Dummies - Dickon Ross,‎ Cathleen Shamieh,‎ Gordon McComb [2009, PDF] Xoxo 8 MB 5

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