gillnumil ® 22-Jul-2023 18:42

OPYC - Old Pelican Yacht Club

Year: 2022
Version: 3.6.1
Developer: Omar Reis
Platform: Windows
System Requirements: For Windows Vista,W7,W8 and Windows 10.
Localization: english
Crack: N/A
Description: OPYC is a worldwide sailing simulation using physics.
The 2D simulation uses laws of physics. Live winds ( interpolated real time winds from NOAA forecasts ). Sail around the world, cross gates to earn our crypto currency, the OPYCoin.
On first use, register a boat name and password in the app. Choose a port to start from.
Installation instructions:
Download and save file to disk.
After complete download, run the file to install (even if you have a previous version installed)
Installation requires administrative rights to run ( Windows will ask user for software install permission ).
Once installed, normal program usage does not require admin rights.
Additional info:

OPYC - Old Pelican Yacht Club v.3.8.1 - Omar Reis [2022] [Android]

Developer: Omar Reis | Year: 2022 | Localization: english | Crack: N/A | Platform: Android

Open released by gillnumil



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