gillnumil ® 11-Sep-2020 13:35

Hyundai Intelligent Watch Monitoring System HiWMS-PE Instruction Manual

Year: 2012
Language: english
Author: Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd.
Genre: Manual
Publisher: Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd.
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 100
Description: This document describes the functionality and the guidance of operation and maintenance for bridge navigational watch alarm monitoring system, HiWMS-PE.
Hyundai Intelligent Watch Monitoring System, HiWMS-PE detects irregularities of operation in the bridge caused by operator disability or if danger to navigation occurs and alerts another qualified navigator during unattended or one-man bridge operations. The system monitors the awareness of the Officer of the Watch (OOW) and automatically alerts the Master or another qualified OOW if for any reason the OOW becomes incapable of performing the OOW’s duties. Additionally, the HiWMS-PE may provide the OOW with a
means of calling for immediate assistance



Hyundai Intelligent Watch Monitoring System HiWMS-PE Instruction Manual

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Thank U
JFP 09-Jun-2023 22:04
Hi. The instruction manual could not be dowbloaded. please, could you uploaded again. Thanks
DinMcHine 03-Dec-2024 02:06
Привет! На раздачу встаньте пожалуйста! )))
Странно, но нигде не могу найти этот мануал, нужно срочно, как всегда. ))))
DinMcHine 03-Dec-2024 03:11
Hyundai_Intelligent_Watch_Monitoring_System_HiWMS_PE_Instruction Файл поврежден! ((((
Только бэйсик инструкция нормально! Но, она бесполезная. Пожалуйста проверьте.
DinMcHine 05-Dec-2024 11:18
Ну хотя бы пароли доступа из мануала пришлите сюда, пожалуйста! Очень прошу!
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