virtual ® 26-Jun-2020 09:08

P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin Vol. 46 & 47 - A Psychological Approach to Safety Behaviour & A Psychological Approach to Safety Behaviour Continued...

Year: 2020
Language: english
Author: Japan P&I Club
Genre: Guide
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 172
Description: Almost 70% of all maritime accidents are said to be caused by human error. Along with damage to harbour facilities brought about by strong gusts of wind and tidal currents during docking work, on examining the root cause, in most cases this was down to inadequate prior inspection and careless mistakes. More than 90% of all maritime accidents are said to be caused by human error.
Although it is not possible to eliminate human errors, we consider that having an understanding of the underlying human psychological factors and characteristics may be an effective way to reduce human errors. As a result, we then launched our seminars in 2019 with a focus on psychology. We hope that this will facilitate the reduction of accidents at sea.



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